
Util for ARM embedded systems. This utility summarizes memory usage and symbols size.

$ pybuildanalyzer2 -h
usage: pybuildanalyzer2 [-h] [-g] [-v] elf

Builder Analyzer for ARM firmware

positional arguments:
elf            ELF file

optional arguments:
-h, --help     show this help message and exit
-g, --gtk      Show in gtk window
-v, --version  show program's version number and exit

Output in console

$ ./pybuildanalyzer2 Release/app/app.elf
| Region      | Start          | End            |         Size|         Free|         Used             Usage(%) |
| RamLoc32    | 0x10000000     | 0x10008000     |     32.00 KB|     31.77 KB|        232 B |          |   0.71% |
| RamLoc40    | 0x10080000     | 0x1008a000     |     40.00 KB|     40.00 KB|          0 B |          |   0.00% |
| MFlashA512  | 0x1a000000     | 0x1a080000     |    512.00 KB|    502.54 KB|      9.46 KB ||   1.85% |
| MFlashB512  | 0x1b000000     | 0x1b080000     |    512.00 KB|    512.00 KB|          0 B |          |   0.00% |
| RamAHB32    | 0x20000000     | 0x20008000     |     32.00 KB|     32.00 KB|          0 B |          |   0.00% |
| RamAHB16    | 0x20008000     | 0x2000c000     |     16.00 KB|     16.00 KB|          0 B |          |   0.00% |
| RamAHB_ETB16| 0x2000c000     | 0x20010000     |     16.00 KB|     16.00 KB|          0 B |          |   0.00% |

Output in GTK

$ ./pybuildanalyzer2 -g Release/app/app.elf
gtk gtk


This utility create a simple dot file (a.out) of pymaketool modules. e.g.:

$ pymakedot app/application/ lib/ extlib/
$ xdot a.out
digraph module {
    main_c -> stdio_h;
    main_c -> lib_h;
    main_c -> module_lib_h;
    main_c -> stdint_h;

    subgraph cluster_0 {
        main_c -> main_h;
        label = "";
        color = blue;
    subgraph cluster_1 {
        lib_c -> lib_h;
        label = "";
        color = blue;
    subgraph cluster_2 {
        module_lib_c -> module_lib_h;
        label = "";
        color = blue;

    main_c [shape=box label="main.c"];
    stdio_h [shape=box label="stdio.h"];
    lib_h [shape=box label="lib.h"];
    module_lib_h [shape=box label="module_lib.h"];
    stdint_h [shape=box label="stdint.h"];
    main_h [shape=box label="main.h"];
    lib_c [shape=box label="lib.c"];
    module_lib_c [shape=box label="module_lib.c"];